pfv logo.jpgThe healing power of animals is well documented, and that’s why Assisi Animal Health supports Pets for Vets. By pairing veterans with shelter animals, Pets for Vets provides a win-win situation for everyone involved – veterans get companionship, and shelter pets get homes. We believe our country owes military veterans a debt of gratitude, and Pets for Vets provides these brave men and women with animals to help them heal.


When a request is made by a veteran who desires a companion animal, regional chapters of Pets for Vets pull an adoptable animal from a shelter that they believe would be a good match for that veteran. To acclimate that pet to home living, it is temporarily fostered by one of Pets for Vets’ trainers. When it’s ready for its new life, it’s placed with a veteran in need.


We made a post on Facebook about our support for Pets for Vets. For every “like” the post receives, Assisi Animal Health will make a donation to Pets for Vets, and we will double that donation amount for every “share.”


Check out our Facebook page for more information.