You should follow the instructions of your veterinary professional regarding how many times to treat your pet each day. Many veterinarians will suggest that you start with two-to-four 15-minute treatments per day for acute and chronic or degenerative conditions.

  • For acute conditions (such as post-surgical treatment or recovery from a trauma), we recommend that you follow the instructions of your veterinarian.  Many veterinarians will recommend that you continue 3 to 4 treatments per day for the first week or so and then taper off for the next 7 to 10 days or until the condition is fully healed.
  • For chronic or degenerative conditions, we recommend that you follow the instructions of your veterinarian.  Many veterinarians will recommend that you continue with 3 to 4 treatments per day for 7 to 10 days and monitor your pet until you see improved mobility and less pain response.  Upon improvement, many veterinarians suggest that you can taper down to 1 or 2 treatments per day or even 1 to 3 treatments per week. Veterinarians find that with some chronic and degenerative conditions, the patient may get to the point that they would only be treated as needed for pain, particularly if it is a condition that is prone to flare-ups.

Ultimately, you want to consider that the Assisi Loop Lounge is working to reduce your pet’s inflammation on a cellular level while accelerating the body’s own healing properties.  We rely on veterinarians to assess your pet and to work with you on the best treatment protocols for your pet’s condition.