
Website Maintenance: Please note the Assisi Animal Health website will be undergoing maintenance on May 16th and 17th. The online store front will be unavailable during this time. If you need to place an order during this period, please call customer service at 1-866-830-7342.

Lick Granuloma

  1. A small Assisi Loop can be used at the site of the lick granuloma.  A second Assisi Loop can be used at the lower cervical (neck) area at the same time if it is suspected that the licking is secondary to a lower cervical nerve impingement.  If the same Assisi Loop is to be used for both locations, wait 2 hours between sessions for optimum battery efficiency.  Positioning is extremely important for optimal effect.
  2. Position the pet lying down either flat on the ground or up on their elbows with their rear limbs out to one side with the lick granuloma visible and accessible.
  3. Place one Assisi Loop with the center of the Loop over the center of the lick granuloma.  Place the other Assisi Loop over the head just in front of the shoulders.
    1. Place the Assisi Loop over the head of the pet with the signal generator toward the ground.  Place the top of the Loop just in front of the shoulder blades; this will allow proper treatment as well as help hold the Loop in place.
    2. If the pet is head shy, cover their eyes while placing the Loop over their head.
  4. The signal generator can be positioned to help balance and stabilize the unit during treatment.
  5. The signal generator should be located in view of the person treating the pet.
  6. Do not leave the pet unattended when using this placement as small movements can change the positioning of the Loop and the area being treated.
  7. Turn each unit on by pressing the button on the front of the white rubberized signal generator; green lights will illuminate about once per second.
  8. Keep the units in place for the full 15 minutes until they shut off.
  9. Use the units 4 times daily at the lick granuloma and neck, if possible, to speed healing. Treat until the granuloma has resolved. If the pet starts licking again, treat 4 times daily, if possible, for at least 5 days to try to prevent a new granuloma forming.
  10. There should be a minimum of 2 hours between treatments for optimal nitric oxide enhancement.

Pet Owner Responsibility. A panel of licensed, experienced veterinarians has developed this Guide.  Pet owners should use this protocol only to treat a condition listed above and as directed by a qualified veterinary clinician.  Other protocols in this Guide should be used only as directed by a qualified veterinary clinician.

Important: Before starting treatment, please consult product label for optimal product use and safety guidelines. To learn more about the technology, visit our website.

Battery Life: When the lights are blinking 2-3 times per second, the battery is running low and a new Assisi Loop should be purchased. There should be a minimum of 2 hours between treatments for optimal battery efficiency.

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