As cats age, cat arthritis treatment becomes more prevalent to keep your pet healthy and happy. A type of arthritis any cat parent should be aware of is septic arthritis. Septic arthritis is similar to basic arthritis, which is the painful inflammation of bone joints. However, septic arthritis also includes the presence of a microorganism, usually bacteria, within the joint’s fluid.


Causes of septic arthritis are usually attributed to a weakened immune system, or diabetes mellitus, but can also be a reaction to a traumatic injury incurred during an animal attack, a gunshot wound or even the after-effects of surgery.


Cat owners are aware of their pet’s naturally stoic nature. This attitude can make noticing health issues difficult, but symptoms to be on the lookout for include, but are not limited to:

  • A change in overall behavior
  • Pain and joint swelling including lameness in the affected limb
  • A joint that is hot to the touch
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite

An accurate diagnosis of this disease requires a visit to your veterinarian and will include taking a full history including any recent traumatic events. A detailed physical exam, with bloodwork, will help your vet establish affected joints, and x-rays will reveal any changes in joint structure. The most important test will be obtaining joint fluid and testing it for the causative bacteria, which will help determine the correct treatment.

The earlier the treatment is administered, the more likely your pet will make a successful recovery. Make sure to ask your vet about pain management for cats with the Assisi Loop. You will be able to provide some relief to your cat with the low-level pulses of electromagnetic energy to reduce pain and swelling, and to enhance recovery!